This location is unique in our model. Rather than being a separate location in a parking lot, this practice is located inside a large warehouse gym location. Please review our practice model to understand better why this difference is important.
It is $500 a month to lease this particular Chiro Shack. The lease includes everything needed to practice. There is nothing required down. Just a demonstration that you are a competent chiropractor and our approval to be included on the team. However, it is important to understand that you are independent and set your own schedule. The lease can be cancelled with 60-day notices from either party. Our purpose is practice freedom.
Our lease includes our Aperta Membership program and there are already members using the service at this location. The membership program is what provides for all the expenses of this location. Giving you a near zero overhead practice. For details on this system, please request a meeting with Dr. Hales.
This Chiro Shack has both outside access and inside access from the Gym. This offers the best of both worlds. Clients are able to come in direct from the parking lot or while working out, they can walk in direct from there. You can view more on this location at the Idaho Falls Chiro Shack page.
Empire Fitness is a large fitness facility with lots of members.
Dr. Hales has been treating patients at this location and it has only been open 2 to 3 days a week. We are looking for someone interested in making this a full-time location. Dr. Hales will remain as long as necessary to ensure success in this effort. Plus, no Chiro Shack doctor will be abandoned. Our "Aperta Health" success depends on the success of our Chiro Shack doctors. To understand more about how this works and income expectations, go to our "Hey Chiropractors" page; then set up a time to visit.
This is a good option for someone who wants to be independent, but also part of a system that provides an almost no overhead cash practice model, with existing clients. The overhead is almost completely covered by participation in our membership program. You only pay a 'token' lease to occupy the practice.
The only requirement is that the membership option is offered, and that the doctor is able to deliver a brief, traditional, chiropractic adjustment. The provider is free to include anything within their license that can support the patient.
Aperta Heath collects all monthly membership fees from the clients and pays the overhead expenses, engages in promotion of the services and doctors, and expands the model to more locations.
The provider collects all fees for the services in the office and keeps them in their own business. They pay $500 a month for the lease. Within the lease agreement they agree to utilize the membership program. Once they have 100 members, signed at their location the lease gets a $250 reduction. This particular location has 60 members so far. But has only been open 2 days a week.
Please contact me for specifics. You can fill out the form below. You can also reach Dr. Hales directly by text/phone 208-713-0455